Carol Sutton Teaching - Workshops -Lectures - Panel Symposiums

Curriculum Vitae as per Teaching - Workshops -Lectures - Panel Symposiums by Carol Sutton

1995 University of Toronto Art History & Fine Arts , public lecture and slide presentation, February 24, 1995
by invitation of Sasha Rogers, (too soon after my father's death), Toronto, Ontario, Can.


December 1991, art lecture with slides given by Carol Sutton at the Kingston Polytechnic. Now Kingston University, since 1992. Kingston-upon-Thames Polytechnic. Invited by my good friend and artist, Gina Medcalf, who teachs there. [] and [] & []


1991 Istituto Farina Convitto, Scuola Materna, Vicenza, Italy, classroom lecture on my artwork to the students of Marilla Bongeovanni, who study English. Marilla Bongeovanni lives in Vicenza, Italy, which is the hometown of renoun architect, Palladio. (URL: "Vicenza (ancient Vicentia), city in northern Italy, capital of Vicenza Province, in Veneto Region,-") See a photograph by Carol Sutton of Marilla Bongeovanni's bike at BLANK PHOTO TM

Isituto Farina Convitto, Scuola Materna, Vicenza, Italy sign by Carol Sutton , 1991stone carved sign of Istituto Farina Convitto, Scuola Materna, Vicenza, Italy, photograph by Carol Sutton©

1990 ABANA Artists Blacksmiths Association of North America,
International Conference, slide lecture on "Silhouette-Grill-Balcony Paintings" &
'The Spirit Balcony Paintings', and The Difference Between French & Spanish
Ironwork, Alfred State College, June 29, 1990
Alfred, New York, USA []

1987 Art Triangle Barcelona 4 week workshop in the Casa de La Caritat, 40 international artists ( 20 whom were Spanish and 20 whom were not Spanish), both sculptors and painters, both male and female, City of Barcelona, May 14 to June 3, 1987 Barcelona, Spain

1986 Triangle Artist Workshop, at Machomack Fish and Game Reserve, July to August Pine Plains, New York, USA
new: for Triangle Arts Association

[Triangle Artists' Workshop moved from Machomack Fish and Game Preserve in Pine Plains, New York to New York City. Two workshops
held at the World Trade Center. Now the WTC is tragically lost to the world.
A 2002 Workshop is planned, are currently accepting applications and
exploring options for the next New York workshop.
Triangle Artists Workshop
110 Greene Street
Suite 8R
New York, NY 10012
Tel: 1212 431 5895
Fax: 1212 431 5895

1983 Triangle Artists Workshop at Machomack Fish and Game Reserve, July to August Pine Plains, New York, USA

1982 Artist Talk Shop Seminar and Public Forum, Harbourfront, The artists and critics included - Carol Sutton with André Fauteux, Doug Bentham, Cathy Burgess, David Burnett, Anthony Caro, Ken Carpenter, Harold Feist, Doug Haynes, Peter Hide, Leopold Plotec, Allen Reynolds, Tim Scott, and Karen Wilkin, Sunday, November 14, 1982 ,Toronto, Ontario

1981 Mount Allison Owens Art Gallery, workshop and public slide presentation
University November 24, 25, 26, 1981 Sackville, Brunswick, Canada []

1978 'Acrylic Painting by Queens University, Summer Term,
Carol Sutton'
July 4 to August 14, 1978 Kingston, Ontario, Canada []

1978 University of Alberta slide lecture and short workshop of 3 days, February Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

1978 University of Victoria slide lecture and short workshop of 3 days, Victoria, British Columbia,
February 6,7,8, Canada (

1977 'Canadian Painting in Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queens University, panel discussion an public forum, organized by Director Robert Swain, of the AEAC,
1970's: Alive or Dead ? ' included: Greg Curnoe, Brian Fisher, Guido Molinari, Carol Sutton, and Moderator Terry Fenton,
March 2 and 3, 1977 Kingston, Ontario, Canada

1977 Emma Lake Artist's University of Saskatchewan, guest artist Emma Lake, Saskatchewan, new3.gifPAGE
Workshop July 1977
(photographs of Carol Sutton at Emma Lake Artist Workshop with painting 'Emma Lake', & poster with information)

1976 (or close to it)   Owens Art Gallery, Mt.Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.- Art lecture with slides given by Carol Sutton

[1976 - Andre Fauteux, by Carol Sutton, catalogue essay, Owens Art Gallery, 1976.] 

1974 Art Gallery of Ontario Education Department, designing and giving tours to both teenagers and adults; also
1975 public tours Toronto, Ontario, Canada

1974 'Creative Artists In teaching a combination of 'New Music with New Art'
The Schools'
with composer James Montgomery and artist Carol Sutton', in the Etobicoke School
, Ontario Arts Council Grant Project Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada

1970 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - Survey - Lecture, Visual Art Department, []

1969 Contemporary Art - University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Basic Design 140, Visual Art Department,

1969 -Weatherspoon Art Gallery, Masters Degree of Fine Art Thesis lecture, (M.F.A degree) campus of University of North Carolina at Greensboro []

1968 Design 190 - Studio , University of North Carolina, Visual Art Department, two Teaching Fellows -

1968 Teaching Fellowship, University of North Carolian, Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S.A.

1967 Teaching Fellowship, University of North Carolian, Greensboro, North Carolina, U.S.A.

1967 'Children's Art Classes' Collegiate Private School,
1968 2 Summers- 1967 and 1968 Richmond, Virginia, USA

1967 'Children's Art Classes' Virginia Museum of Fine Arts,
1966 as accompaniment to 2 Virginia Museum Fellowships Richmond, Virginia, USA



One of my great teachers was Richard Carlyon at RPI now called VCU Mr. Carlyon opened the door to art history for me. He taught me to seek an art full of purpose and feeling. [This picture was taken from a recent award site.] Richmond Professional Institute, was in Richmond, Virginia. It is now called Virginia Commonwealth University. The great RPI team at the helm are listed in my now extensive data page of :Carol Sutton[Sutton-Martin]RPI{VCU}& UNCG-teachers-peers

excerpt from page:

Enrolled in Richmond Professional Institute, now Virginia Commonwealth University,
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