Exhibition, March 22, 2003 - April 9th , 2003, 'Faberge Jewelry Paintings' by Carol Sutton, at Gallery One in Toronto, Ontario
Fabergé Jewelry Series |
These paintings are all based on the drawings and watercolor sketches of jewelry by Carl Faberge.
This series of jewelry paintings on paper is a part of a larger group of images based on garments and earrings done by Carol Sutton titled THE GARMENT BASED WORKS. The Carl Faberge series began in 1997 and continues to 2003.
The Carl Fabergé Jewelry Series, began in1997. It is based on the lost and then found work done for the tsar of Russia, from the St. Petersburg Archives, a book titled:
Kokoshinik Pendant Flying Alphabet
This artwork is illustrated on the exhibition invitation card. |
Shown as framed. |
The book I used as a source for my painting is: |
Which has the wonderful watercolor drawings, Seeing these is what inspired me to make my Faberge paintings on paper series. Often the drawings are shown beside examples of the real jewelry piece. : "Within the pages of these record books are countless meticulous watercolour and ink drawings of, it seems, every jewel that was made by the firm from 1909 to 1915. Each design is dated and accompanied by detailed handwritten instructions as to type, number, and weight of gemstones, precious metal setting, and colour of enameling to be used in carrying out the piece. Hundreds of these invaluable - and incredibly beautiful - drawings are reproduced here for the first time, most in full colour, with captions describing the jewel, the materials to be used, and the date of execution. And very often the actual finished jewels are photographed next to the drawings from which they were created. "QUOTE "A Kenneth Snowman is Chairman and grandson of the founder of Wartski, the London jewelry firm that has helped form many of the outstanding Fabergé collections of the world. He has written many books and articles on gold and jewelry and is the editor of Abrams' The Master jewelers and contributor to Abram's Masterpieces from the House of Fabergé. Snowman was curator and wrote the catalogues for the Fabergé exhibitions at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, in 1977 and at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, in 1983. Fabergé: Lost and Found is critically important document for jewelry collectors and historians and a delight for anyone who cares for fine craftsmanship and exquisite drawing."QUOTE |
Carol Sutton's The Carl Fabergé Jewelry Series | Faberge diamond bow, | faberge pendant | The masculine ones: cuff links | Carol Sutton Fine Art - my homepage |
Olga's GalleryA wonderful oil painting of this head dress.at http://www.abcgallery.com/N/nesterov/nesterov1.html
Mikhail Nesterov. A Girl with Kokoshnik (Woman's Headdress in Old Russia). Portrait of Marya Nesterova. 1885. Oil on panel. Private
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update latest March 6, 2003; August 20, 2005, January 29, 2006, (links added as text)