Welcome to the site of http://www.carolsutton.net/download_pink-ribbon.html

angelawardcarol.jpg,Debbie for this 1999 AWARD. Nevada Native's Home On The Web at http://www.whisperingwomen.com/nevnative/, for Carol Sutton

Thank you Debbie. 1999 AWARD. Debbie's Angel Heaven - http://www.nevnative.com

Download pink ribbon gif / jpg / pic / icons / clip art / graphics/webclipart/ ribbon icon
for Breast Cancer Awareness

by Carol Sutton

Free pink ribbon graphics, resources, famous women who died of breast cancer, pins to wear, links, toxins & diet

Ribbonborder2.gif,the first pink ribbon divider bar by Terrie Jaramillo, a pinkribbon ban page divider bar

The first pink ribbon on the internet. The history of virtual pink ribbons as an addition to the history of the pink ribbon, the symbol for breast cancer awareness.

a_web_1st_csutton.gif, a web first (1st) design by Carol Sutton© copyrighted"When I first went in search of a pink ribbon in 1996 to put up on my site there were no copyright free ones available on the web, so I designed my own and a page to go with it and that was the start of the pink ribbon site."

"Then, I thought maybe out there are other women and men needing a pink ribbon for their own site."Carol.Sutton

This quote is from Carol Sutton.

Carol Sutton who is breast cancer survivor, launched this
pink ribbon SERVICE and RESOURCE on
April 18, 1996, now 17 YEARS strong. The first vitual or internet pink ribbon. _______________

HISTORY of: the physical pink ribbon was first made in 1992, or 4 years before the vitual pink ribbon, by both the idea of Evelyn Lauder and Alexandra Penney. Lauder and Penney started what would become the universally recognized symbol of breast cancer awareness. ESTEE Lauder PRODUCTS for breast cancer.

Instructions- QUESTIONS what.gif
How do I download* this gif & the other ribbon gif or jpg files on this site?

What is a 'download'? what.gifIt is how you save the files; by downloading them; to your own computer from the internet.

WHAT IS A GIF? - Just a name for a graphic file: GIF{Graphic Interchange Format} or .gif is a compressed file size that reduces color information down to -8 bit color. Other graphic files endings are JPEG, or JPG ( .jpg ) format. Graphics saved in a .jpg format or JPEG are in - 24 bit color, millions of pixels, or tiny squares of compressed color. These file endings can be used for photographs or for other graphic design pictures. Thanks go to Dave Stothart of Cobourg, Ontario for asking the question.

Take it for free!

PC - Microsoft Instructions

1. Position your mouse arrow over it and click on this ribbon image itself with the right button on your mouse and then hold the mouse button down , until you get the pop-up menu ( off to the side)
and DO NOT go to the Menu bar above to save as because that just downloads the text html and not the image.

2. And while holding down the right mouse button select save this image as from the side pop-up menu bar you now see.

3. Now save it from the floating message window box as:SAVE AS: pinkrib.gif,as per usual method. Limit of 7 letters in file name.

4. Save to the file you want, such as any HTML Editor, Photoshop, etc.Then just paste it on your page.

That's is it. It's that easy.

Macintosh Instructions

1. Position your mouse arrow over it and click on this ribbon image itself and then hold the mouse button down , until you get the pop-up menu ( off to the side )
and DO NOT go to the File Menu bar above to save as because that just downloads the text html and not the image.

2. After you click on the image, you will then see a side pop-up menu bar appear.

3. Now save it from the floating message bar as: SAVE AS: pink-ribbon.breast.cancer.gif

4. Save to the file you want, such as Pagemill, Photoshop, etc. Then just paste it on your page.

The ORIGINAL FIRST INTERNET PINK RIBBON by Carol Sutton:pinkribbon.gif by Carol Sutton, the first pinkribbon on the internet,,©1996

Please note that this image has a transparent surround.

PinkRibbonLL.gif, Denis Ryan improved pink ribbon - 2002, thanks Denis!The MUCH IMPROVED VERSION:by Denis Ryan

- drawn up in Freehand before converting to gif format so it has very smooth graduations of color

---Is it ICON or is it EGO? -- Find out, when you put one on your page!!


LINK BACK to my site please by using this BUTTON

If you use any pink ribbon on this site, then Please link back to my site to this URL: http://www.carolsutton.net/download_pink-ribbon.html
3dbullit.gif, red jelly buttonEven though I request this few actually do give me a link back, which to me seems such a small request.
Use this new button designed by Ham who runs a blog (London Daily Photo) & recently launched a campaign fundraising for Breast Cancer Care in the UK. Scroll below to see Ham's ribbon designs.

carolsuttonlink.jpg - 4 KB

pink ribbons graphics /gif / jpg / pic / icons / clip art Ribbonborder2.gif,the first pink ribbon divider bar by Terrie Jaramillo, a pinkribbon ban page divider bar


Go to all the graphics *B R E A S T * C A N C E R ** R I B B O N S *

Use these ribbons to add to your own website design.


For over 16 years a pink ribbon is the international symbol of breast cancer awareness.
Wear a pink ribbon, so that people will ask you what it's all about. Do your self exams. Early detection is the best chance for a long life. If you notice anything strange see your doctor, don't wait. Pinkribbons spread awareness and are used to raise money to fund research that will lead to a cure.

This is shareware and not copyrighted."It is free because the power of movements begin with symbols and ideas that spread unimpeded."- Carol Sutton

Gem_Yellow.gifMy mandate is to give away free, copyright free pink ribbon symbols, graphic, icons, images, pinkribbon visual material and the like for the use and promotion of raising awareness of breast cancer. Toward that end many people worldwide have donated their designs and services to help in the cause. To date many people worldwide have used my free ribbons to make products that produce funds for breast cancer research and help the cause of creating more awareness of the pink ribbon symbol.

The pink ribbon considered world wide to be an international symbol for breast cancer. The pink ribbon is ubiquitous, or seeming to exist everywhere at once, and be omnipresent. No one company or organization or foundation owns the rights to this worldwide symbol. However, individual pink ribbon designers can hold all rights reserved on their copyright, for example Avon has its own, as does Estee Lauder.

Make your own design and add text. Then make a page offering it to the world wide web or internet.

what.gif  I am often asked the question; Is there one approved ribbon design? The answer is -NO.
Let's begin to see some pink ribbons up on the www in support of a Breast Cancer Cure.

April is Cancer Month

cancerawareness.jpg, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month image

*Credit for this wonderful new professional banner design jpg - "October is Breast Cancer Month'- goes to Tonya Valentine, who is Webmaster of the Tomball Regional Hospital Web site, located inTomball, Texas. (just NWof Houston). Please feel free to download this image

pinkribbon pins in cloth & metal jewelry + fabrics

Where can I get a pink ribbon to wear??? Gem_Blue.gifWhere can I find pink ribbon jewelry??? Gem_Blue.gifWhere can I find pink ribbon fabrics???



Ever wonder what a ichthyosaurus fossil specimenichthybody.gif, ichthyosaurus fossil specimen like the one discovered by Mary Anning in U.K.

found in 1813, and a pterosaur ( flying reptile) fossil specimen found in 1828 have in common with Breast Cancer???

I f you guessed the unsung hero and collecting force of Lyme Regis, the flag_uk.gifDorset woman,Mary Anning



  Famous Women Who Died
of Breast Cancer
by Carol Sutton

Native Canadian went with her poem songs from her local town hall to the Opera ???
If you guessed

Pauline Johnson, you were right! + lives of many more women

A number of famous people had their mother's die of breast cancer.

Doctors are good on the attack, but not so good on the nutritional body build-up.


Diet Road to Wellness redwine_glass.jpeg,wine glass illustration © by Carol Sutton

Links Between Diet and Breast Cancer by Carol Sutton



weren't you saying that you always liked that glass of red wine with dinner?

A glass of red wine is good for your health.

The natural antioxidants in food can protect you from cardiac diseases and cancer

{wine glass illustration © by Carol Sutton}

   While Modern Medicine seems good on the attack; which is surgery, radiation and chemotherapy; alternative medicine seems better on the build up of the body, through diet , vitamins, food supplements, and exercise. This dual approach seems the best until a cure is found.

corot_tree.gif, Corot tree scan mesotint by Carol Sutton©

Many believe toxins play a role in breast cancer

Toxins, The Environment and Breast Cancer

by Carol Sutton




Breast Cancer Risk May Be Linked to Toxic Environmental Factors 
-take these five steps to lower your exposure to many toxins 

You might think, "How can I help?"

corot_tree.gif, Corot tree scan mesotint by Carol Sutton©


Alexandra Andrews wrote me: "Did you know there is ONE book in Spanish for breast cancer?" Thanks Alexander.
turnbook.gifEntre mujeres - http://www.cancerlinks.com/Mujeres/index.html

This website CAN be found on foreign search engines.

Download A Pink Ribbon For Breast Cancer Awareness:-by Carol Sutton http://www.carolsutton.net/download_pink-ribbon.html

Go to google's Spainish search engine: http://www.google.es , then type in: pink ribbon graphics. And you will see links to this page. Or go to google's Germany website: http://www.google.de, and type in either: Meinten Sie: pink ribbons  or pinkribbons and you will find links to my site. -pinkribbons pins to wear/cloth & metal by Carol Sutton, breast cancer. Also http://www.google.co.jp/ or google Japan, has this site: pinkribbons pins to wear/cloth & metal by Carol Sutton, breast cancer.

what.gif  How do I use a pink ribbon as a screen saver?

 All you have to do is to download any of the 65 ribbons from my pinkribbon page  http://www.carolsutton.net/pinkribbon.html

 Then choose your computer type:

Gem_Blue.gifPC/WINDOWS: go to[ desktop] control panel- Display - then background.; then appearance, place

Gem_Yellow.gifMACINTOSH /APPLE : control panel- appearance , just choose place picture: and navigate to the ribbon you downloaded on to your desktop. Then it will tile all over the desktop.

Carol's Philosophy -

This page is not about raising money. It is about raising awareness.
I think the most powerful ideas spread because they are free currency.
My idea is to spread the free currency of pink ribbons for breast cancer awareness. There are many people already doing an excellent job of raising funds for research and some of those are listed on this site's link page. I do believe that research is vital. Instead of fund raising, my energy in this site aims to address awareness, provide a jump point to other sites, offer some new information and news on women's health, and give away free pink ribbon icons. Carol Sutton

Breast cancer touches the lives of both women and men. Men who have lost their wives and sweethearts, sons who have lost their moms.

Women who have lost their sisters, and even Moms who have lost their daughters. If a little pink ribbon could save a life wouldn't it be great.

  Timeframe of Ribbon Symbols
History of pink ribbons / The Origin of Pink Ribbons

 The first ribbon dating from the Vietnam war, but also honoring those POW/MIA's of previous wars and the Gulf War, was a ;

yellow ribbon was followed by the introduction of the pink ribbon before 1992 for breast cancer ; The pink ribbon may have been around unofficially before its introduction into the marketplace by the 'Estee Lauder Company'. I don't know about this for certain. [In 1992 "when in 1992, Evelyn Lauder and Alexandra Penney started what would become the universally recognized symbol of breast cancer awareness.2002 is the 'official 10th Anniversary of the Pink Ribbon by Estee Lauder'. Avon followed in 1993, with its Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. ]
what.gif Is there a 'classic pink ribbon'?
 The answer is 'yes'; 
the 'classic pink ribbon'
is the simple design with a single loop at the top.
The pink ribbon was then followed by the AIDS/HIV/SID'sred ribbon ;
Then the AIDS/HIV/SID'sred ribbon was followed by the blue ribbon as a symbol for the preservation of basic civil rights in the electronic world by the EFF and other civil liberties groups showing support of free speech that was threatened in the 1996 Telecom Bill passed by the U.S. congress.
Other RIBBONS --And now many ribbons for other causes and colors can be seen at this site- Meg's Place. The basic look and shape of the ribbon with on loop at the top, has remained consistent. Symbols provide the basic beginning structures for change in attitude and are keys to opening doors of awareness. [http://www.megsplace.com/Causes/ribbons.html]

a_web_1st_csutton.gif, a web first (1st) design by Carol Sutton© copyrighted


This was the first site on the internet to offer you the opportunity to add a

Pink Ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.

Carol Sutton offered the first pink ribbon graphic on the internet in 1996.

September 12, 2005 - CBC Radio-Canada (Montreal)  Breakaway (Live Interview with Carol Sutton & Madonna Hamel)


family_emb2.gif, family-friendly award

Television Show about this Site

Filmed for television, includes interview with Carol Sutton;Produced by Donna Daveyfor Take 3, on WTN

Women's Television Network,

aired in Canada
Thursday -9 PM December 19 1996

Translate this page into Spanish using FreeTranslation.com.




This site has been visited by over 71 countries worldwidetiny_updated.gif

 Blue Ribbon Campaign

 blueribbongm.gif, Thanks go to Ryan Thornburg for Blue Ribbon
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bermuda, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Croatia, Costa Rica,
Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ghana,
Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon. Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, 39
Malaysia, Mexico, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Old style Arpanet, 49
Russian Federation, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay,Venezuela, Vietnam,Yugoslavia 71
 CREDIT: Thanks go to Ryan Thornburg of the Blue Ribbon Campaign for his advice and tech help and permission to use the blue ribbon, to the left, as a departure point for my pink ribbon.

"Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one."

Ryan Thornburg of Greensboro, North Carolina . Who was at:

The EFF [Electronic Frontier Foundation] site:http://www.eff.org/blueribbon.html

*Electronic Frontier Foundation, 454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco,CA 94110-1914 USA; Phone: +1 415 436 9333

flags.gif, multi flags around world  CREDIT: Thanks to my husband , André Fauteux for tech help

3dbullit.gif, red jelly buttonCopyright issues , product applications, confusion in the marketplace, of pink ribbon designs -
Download A Pink Ribbon For Breast Cancer Awareness: http://www.carolsutton.net/download_pink-ribbon.html
which has been up on the web since April of 1996, or over seven years. My mandate is to give away free, copyright free pink ribbon symbols, graphic, icons, images, and the like for the use and promotion of raising awareness of breast cancer. Toward that end many people worldwide have donated their designs and services to help in the cause. To date many people worldwide have used my free ribbons to make products that produce funds for breast cancer research and help the cause of creating more awareness of the pink ribbon symbol.
The pink ribbon considered world wide to be an international symbol for breast cancer. The pink ribbon is ubiquitous, or seeming to exist everywhere at once, and be omnipresent. No one company or organization or foundation owns the rights to this worldwide symbol. However, individual pink ribbon designers can hold all rights reserved on their copyright, for example Avon has its own, as does Estee Lauder. But only on your design.
Each design is its own copyright. You have copyright plus 'All Right Reserved' on your own pink ribbon.
No one owns the red ribbon design for SIDS/ AIDS, except their own unique design.
No one owns the pink ribbons for breast cancer, except their own unique design.
The myriad of different organizations for breast cancer worldwide all have varied symbols; but most organizations use the symbol of the pink ribbon in one form or in another. My site alone now has up over 30 different ribbon designs. All free of copyright. Many designed by different designers and are visually different and unique. Many pink ribbons images are used on different products. There should be no confusion in the market place over the use of these products for breast cancer awareness; since each product stems from a different, visually different, and unique design and since no one organization owns the rights to the symbol of the pinkribbon or pinkribbons.
As I understand it, no one organization in the globe holds all the rights to using the pink ribbon as their symbol for their organization or cause. No organization should prohibit the use of pink ribbons or pinkribbons by others who seek to promote breast cancer awareness. Efforts to inhibit the use of pinkribbons or pink ribbons, hurts the cause of awareness of breast cancer and keeps the world one step away from finding a cure. Efforts to prevent the sale of products with pinkribbons or pink ribbons hurt the collection of funds that could help in breast cancer prevention, research and cure. Pink ribbons stand for and mean the same thing everywhere. There are just different designs to meet the same goal which is to promote Awareness of Breast Cancer and raise money for a cure.
There is not one approved design for Canada and another approved design for the U.S.A; or New Zealand; or Australia; or Mexico or for that matter any other country around the world.
© by: Carol Sutton

*Avon Breast Cancer Crusade -quote from the page that this is linked to: http://www.avoncompany.com/women/avoncrusade/pinkribbon/supportthecrusade.html
: "Thanks to our generous Sales Representatives "pink ribbon" product sales have generated nearly $50,000,000 for the breast cancer cause since 1993. " That is over 50 million dollars in US Funds given to breast cancer research and help . Quote; " Founded in 1993, the mission of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade in the U.S. is to fund access to care and finding a cure for breast cancer, with a focus on medically underserved women ­ underprivileged, elderly, minorities, and under- or un-insured. "
*Estee Lauder Breast Cancer Research Foundation - quote from the page that this is linked to: http://www.bcrfcure.org/part_cur_esteelauder.html
"The October 2002 Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign has special significance. It is the 11th year that The Estée Lauder Companies has worked on behalf of this cause, and the official 10th Anniversary of the Pink Ribbon, when in 1992, Evelyn Lauder and Alexandra Penney started what would become the universally recognized symbol of breast cancer awareness. ESTEE Lauder PRODUCTS for breast cancer.
*Download A Pink Ribbon For Breast Cancer Awareness by Carol Sutton: http://www.carolsutton.net/download_pink-ribbon.html, since 1996; or the last 7 years, has done it's part to give away free graphics which in turn have raised funds and awareness of breast cancer.

back to the top The Main download_pink-ribbon.html  page-http://www.geocities.com/clsutton45/pink_rib_lib.html (Offsite -Fast Download Library )


7 pages + Offsite -Fast Download Library (Due to heavy web traffic Yahoo often cuts this site off.)


pink ribbons


Famous women who

 died of breast cancer

Pins to wear

pink-ribbon LINKS

Toxins , The Environment & Breast Cancer

Links Between Diet & Breast Cancer

Who made this site? Portrait mini of Carol Sutton Carol Sutton did!, View my art virginia_balcony_mini.jpg and photography.

take me back in the arms of my homepage - INDEX

A breast cancer survivor, Carol Sutton
This pink ribbon SERVICE and RESOURCE FOR 16 YEARS first went up on April 18, 1996
tiny_updated.giflast on , June 2014

PRIOR UPDATES: May 2007, February 5, 2007 add arrow link to ribbon page, {January 30, 2006 ( guestpad removed due to spams), November 24, 2007 update details of history, update countries and foreign google search engines: November 29, 2007, January 3, 2008- prior March 10, 2008

All Rights Reserved and ©on all images, (with the exception of the ribbons which are copyright free art), art, and text

Gem_Blue.gifPage & site design by Carol Sutton

Gem_Blue.gifDisclaimer- I disclaim that I am knowing violating any copyright infringements. Please let me know if this is not the case.
The opinions here are my own, or of other credited sources and in no way reflect any intent to harm. The written text does
not provide medical advice or endorsement of any services or products.

You are at the page (URL)of http://www.carolsutton.net/pink/diet_and_breast_cancer.html

All Rights Reserved and ©on all images, (with the exception of the ribbons which are copyright free art (please note any personal exceptions]), wine glass art, and text

Page & site design by Carol Sutton

Disclaimer- I disclaim that I am knowing violating any copyright infringements. Please let me know if this is not the case.
The opinions here are my own, or of other credited sources and in no way reflect any intent to harm. The written text does
not provide medical advice or endorsement of any services or products.

You are at the site of


bokm_anm.gif, bookmark animated gif

e-mail Carol Sutton


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